Friday, June 14, 2013

And there it was ...

Since the morning, he had been busy putting things on place. It was a new place he has shifted to, just a day ago, and day after is a Monday. That means reporting to the new office. It was a new country, so time was also different. He was feeling kind of different, as in he could not sleep well last night. But yes, he was sure of one thing that, there is something new going to take place in his life. After all it was a new place he was in.

While unpacking suddenly his gaze fell on the window pane and he saw green slopes filled with trees. Oh yes, it was a bright sunny morning.  Almost spontaneously he looked at the clock and it was half past eleven. He thought of making himself a cup of coffee and went to the kitchen. Several things were there in the back of his mind, like how to manage for food and grocery, where to do the laundry and all that. Sunken in those thoughts he prepared  the coffee and moved out of the kitchen. He, with heavy thoughtful steps, walked into his room and sat on an arm chair facing those slopes.

He stared thinking, his life was much more than this job and visiting countries and make his own life better than it was yesterday. His life was more than waking up every morning with the alarm and rushing to his office. His life was more than cooking and eating and chatting with friends. There was something that was more important than all these. He at once felt like, he was standing under the sun on the bare land and had a kind of bitter feeling from deep within. Why is he doing all this?

And there it was... A voice from deep within, you might feel that you are standing alone, but I am there with you - always, forever, all the time... and there it was... A long way ahead ...

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