Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Fullstop

Last night had been too hectic, still a lot to be packed and the whole place seemed to be in a mess. It seemed as if the guy was trying to wipe out each and every sign that would ever reveal, in the most vague manner even, that "he" ever existed... 

I remember and remember very well, the day he was leaving for his new destination; after five years of stay in this place, that has been his habitat and once abode of his giant ego and a reflection of his lavish lifestyle. Here, may be for the first time in his life, he was becoming so restless to leave or may be, get lost, forever. It seemed as if, he wanted to erase the memories of each and every moment he had spent, with his friends, colleagues and beloved ones. He once relished every moment he spent here. Every other night used to be a party night. This place used to be a social hub then something happened in less than, what may be called a fortnight and now, he is putting a "full stop" to all this. He went to many places, lived there in the best possible way he could, he enjoyed and left the place joyfully for a new destination. He cherished this, always, as in, this was to him - the best way of living life and making it more and more interesting. Many a times, he told me stories about those places he had been too, his mischief and his friends and today he even does not want to talk to me or anybody.

I do not know exactly, what he may be feeling but one thing that I infer is, some part of his soul in some distant and secluded corner, engulfed in darkness is still relishing the past and the rest is trying to forget it. He is in a state of double jeopardy. That is what is making him restless and energizing him to do all this. A past that is following him like a ghost in his lone journey, a past that is taunting him as if he has lost the most important match of life, a past that is a ruin of his own desires, ambitions and feelings. He is trying to get rid of all this. He feels that going to a new place will help him forget all this - for he will again start from the scratch. However, he knows he cannot afford to forget the past. He once told me, "what if your first relation does not work, it is still the best and the only one you would like to remember and be remembered for. It may not last for a life time, but it will surely give you enough reason to opt for a next life and will endow you with enough memories to cherish for the rest of this life." We both laughed in unison after this, I still remember at a tea joint, on the crossroad in the lane next to our colony. That day I did not realize that, he was narrating his own story. 

Now it is twilight, the doctor comes out and lets us know that the scattered parts of his body have been somewhat joined and now he may be taken to his home, for last rites, don't know how to react at this, for he left his home before he was taken to this place, all red as if he wanted to wipe out every thing that would ever remind of him and now he is here in front of me, motionless still smiling, as if saying, you will never know where I have gone. His family arrived, just now...     


  1. Heart Touching!!amazin , superb , wrds r nt nf to describe simply xcellent..hats off to u nd ur literary skills

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  3. EXCELLENT!!! It transformed my mood entirely... a strongly contagious pathos being radiated... KUDOS!!!
