Friday, October 31, 2008

Life, to me it is…

What’s life? This has been a question asked and answered by great philosophers, thinkers and leaders; over years. This has been a most debated topic among children, youngsters, middle aged and aged men. Well, neither I am asking you this, nor can I do so. I am not answering to it either. It’s just that, this idea clicked in my mind and I thought of penning it down.

To me, I am too young to answer this question with deep rooted philosophy, but I dare writing about it, only because I am looking on it otherwise. It’s just another question, so I have my answer. It may be right or wrong, sensible or nonsensical, crisp or fuzzy, clear or vague. It’s just an answer, anyone is free to agree or disagree on (needless to say, though).

Every new situation that made my life eventful has proved that, the view I had till then - if not inappropriate, has been necessarily incomplete. Well, the issue is not about being right or wrong, it is simply about my very own picture of life.

Life is a game I play, with some constraints put by nature and society; at my own level of preparedness towards it. The maverick inside me, however; always persuades me to break some of the rules. May be I like it also, but till now I have just been trying to push the rope at the boundary line a bit, without disturbing much of equilibrium, and getting just a little bit of more space, and actually this helps. If not many at least some will agree, that it’s no harm altering constraints a little bit if it does not attract much of attention. After all, anything that doesn’t harm others but helps me is fare, at least to me.

Life is a competition; it’s between me and myself. ‘Me’ is what people see and ‘myself’ is what I see about me. It’s undoubtedly tough and all the time a conflict goes, either inside or outside, who’s better. What I try to do is, establish a harmony between the two. Me is all about living life with other’s aspirations about me; and myself is living life with my own aspirations. I hope you will agree that, establishing harmony is the only choice – for there is no other option, the competition is always on, and taking side is surely a folly.

Life is a classroom; each time the bell goes, a new situation is there, sometimes to teach a lesson and sometimes to conduct the test and help me evaluate, what I have learnt during the classes. The best part is, it leaves up to me, whether I want to take the test or not. It gives me opportunity to skip the test by compromising with situations.

I sometimes feel, no matter, how hard I try; no matter how good or better I become, the maverick within me becomes happier each time life proves my understanding about it wrong. It says, I am here for a rendezvous. So is why at this point of time, I feel that the best way to happiness is to take life as it comes to me. For above all, it is a one time opportunity to live life, why to make it heavy by thinking more and more, To me, it’s good enough to know that I am living it to the fullest, in my own special way.


  1. little bit philosophical. i think life is a question which has infinite number of solution. Each solution is specific for individual.

  2. That's very true; and that is why I have mentioned that what I am writing is my answer to this problem. And I am very sure that some of you may come up with better answers.

